Keep up with the latest art and adventures from Rene Shoemaker Art!

How Do You Describe the Landscape?

I was interviewed for an article about the landscape recently.

“I am working on an article about landscapes” the author wrote, “and I am focusing on ‘place attachment’ … about artists who have 'found their place' – a landscape that speaks to their soul and inspires their art.”

How perfect is that for my situation?

The publication is Canadian; and it brought to mind this article published in the States last year, that I feel, addresses the same concepts:

Rene sitting in steps of galley with windows

Athens or France?

And now I am going to discover a new landscape this week, to the Dordogne, where I will be teaching this year at the Château de Saint-Germain-des-Prés.


And here I share one of my favorite facades in Paris:

A very nice storefront on rue Bievre, Paris 5th

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Another shopfront in New York City for sale in my online shop:

Store For Rent. Greenwich Village. NYC

Castle photos coming soon!