Keep up with the latest art and adventures from Rene Shoemaker Art!

A Sense of Design: My UGA experience + new workshop

Thanks, University of Georgia Fabric Design Department!

Thanks, University of Georgia Fabric Design Department!

I was invited to teach silk painting at the University of Georgia Fabric Design Department this week. It felt like full circle; this is where I went to school, and although they do not teach silk painting at this time, this is where I learned this technique!

I will be teaching silk painting again Saturday, September 17 in Athens. Sign up here! If you’ve been thinking about expanding your artistic skills, this class will be a great opportunity to explore ideas and learn a new craft. We can start refining your design ideas and we can also discuss possible gifts for your friends and family. 

If you’ve taken the class before, I welcome and encourage taking it again! We will work on extending your skills to try something new. When I teach at KA Artist, we explore the possibilities of using a resist line to create a “drawing” with the gutta (or wax-like substance), but you could easily create a watercolor effect without the lines, or paint on a pre-treated silk that will keep the dye from spreading, or we can explore layering designs on the silk – there are many interesting effects to try out.

A Sense of Place: Musings & Reflections on the Completion of a Museum Exhibition


Discovering the Chattahoochee Valley

Silk Paintings by René Shoemaker
August 23, 2015 - July 2016

My exhibit at the Columbus Museum is no longer on display; 

the closing reception has come and gone.


The silk paintings are rolled on cores, wrapped securely and labeled with tags.


They have come home.


As I drove back from Columbus with the art laid carefully on the back seat, I had many mixed emotions; thoughts swirled in my head; I vacillated between happiness and sadness.


I am so very, very proud that this exhibit happened. 

That Kristen Miller Zohn met me, liked my work, and proposed an exhibition.


That she had a vision, that we communicated well, and we created a body of work that was born by sharing ideas and feedback.


That my artistic vision resonated with others; that my mission in my art was welcomed by the public.


That I was invited to teach, to lecture, to be interviewed by the media and educators. That so many people were interested in what I had to say about my art, and about my life.


That children used my art as inspiration to create their own visions of Columbus.


I am a different person now.

I am more confident, I am strong, I am ready to take on the world.


My future as an artist is still unknown. What exactly is the career path for an artist?

But I know that my vision can be executed, and that I can reap the benefits of sharing my art.


Thank you to all those who have supported me and continue to support me.

 To those that believe in me, and always have. 

To my family and friends.

And to all those that know me through my art alone.


I have arrived.






As you travel, wear this Globe t-shirt (designed by me!) and represent the town (and tavern!) you love!

Want to order a t-shirt and have it shipped? Norm at the Globe will take care of you! T-shirts are only $15 + shipping/handling

Email Norm to order:



My artwork and studio have been featured in “The Compendium of Craft & Creativity”, published by the Uppercase Magazine, Alberta, Canada!

I will be participating in a night of readings at our local (well-loved) independent bookstore, Avid, on Saturday evening, July 23rd, 2016. Please join us! The event will be held at 6 - 7:30 pm at Avid, 489 Prince Avenue, Athens, Ga; phone # 706.352.2060.

The editor of the Uppercase Magazine, Janine Vangool, frequently puts out calls for subscriber participation. I entered an open call for artists to write about what they do and to share photos of their workspaces - and she chose me! I am so thrilled to be included in an international publication; it is a very nice book, well designed, with tons of inspiring stories and photos inside. There are 66 international "makers, crafters, and artisans" included in this collection. 

It would be wonderful to have you with me at Avid Saturday night, but if you can't make it, you can buy a copy of the book through my web store here for $35.00.

A Parapalooza celebrates "paragraphs worth spreading", and Avid will be doing just that! See the event on Facebook, or on the Avid website. The list of authors participating includes Derek AdamsJordan A RothackerRené ShoemakerDavid OatesJoan Curtis, Kate L Diehl, Suzanne Adams and Danny Bernstein, but I expect there will be over 20 authors there. Come see for yourself!